Arlyn has been spotlighted by a member! "Arlyn is one of those members that makes running a site fun for admins. She makes canon characters to help fill plot roles, and then goes out of her way to implement both the lore and plot movements into her threads. Her site superlative is: "Most Involved"!"
Chiroptera has been spotlighted by a member! 'She has jumped onto the site and eagerly involved her characters into the plots. She has been a huge help with the PQE and is doing amazing at it! With her warm personality she has made friends with everyone very quickly!'
Kay has been spotlighted by a member! "Not only is she a comeback kid on the site, but since returning she has stepped up into a leadership position, made plot-involved characters, and created member-inclusive plots. Kay has been friendly in the cbox and just straight up fun."
Nymeria just hit 500 Honor Points! We wouldn't be where we are today without our lovely creator! She is attentive, motivational, and kind to everyone. She somehow manages to keep up with all of her characters and uses them to stay involved in many plots! Congrats Nym!
Skin created by Aki of Adox. Thank you to both Trinity and Elli of Adox, for the Slider and Sticky Menu remodels respectively! Banner image credit goes to Rebecca Johnston of Unsplash, and various images were found from tumblr. Lyrics are from Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams." Akisame forum/thread icons were created by Cappippuni of dA, and smilies were found from tumblr via pixel-soup. Please do not steal and/or redistribute this skin or any parts of this skin as your own!